Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend of the 25th July

Wow, it has been an interesting few days, to say the least, I am looking for radical sports contacts in Cape Town, and it's a mission, who ever knew that underground street culture was such hard work, but I am sure that by the end of tonight I will have what I am looking for.

On Saturday My brand agents went out and hopefully painted the night Red with the club life of Cape Town, the Friday before that was horribly lame, the printers took forever with the Brand Agent Logo T-shirts. And the business card dilemma is one I wish not to go into at this point in time. I am however happy to say after waiting for a printer to take care of my T-shirts the printing process was prompt and we left the place rather in a hurry.

I am in a state at this point as my BA’s have not contacted me…

Till I find them, I shall remain online,,,, blogging, twittering and Facebooking till one of them touch base with me and if they don’t by 8:30 tonight, I will start calling.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The day called TUESDAY!

I am not taking a break yet, was up editing some articles and submissions :( . Then today was an interesting day, I had a medical app' that didn't have any good news for me what so ever, now I have to "take it easy" according to the doc and most of all I have to see her 3 times for the next few weeks, I really want to say that these medical practitioners make sure that you are ill with something that has to be treated on a regular basis, don't forget that with these regular visits to them, you have to pay, well that's a bummer.

Next was Class didn't feel like it after the chit-chat wit the doc, but hey I went anyway, didn't stay much, got the basics of what the class had to offer me for the day and I ducked not to say that its cool to bunk but I really am not in the best of spirits today.
The sad thing about all this is that always tuf-up and deal with it on my own, same thing with the medical ish, I am going to tuf-up and deal with it in good time and a deep pocket...

The next stop for me was a meeting with our wise business adviser and that was atleast the highlight of my morning,,, she indeed put a whole lot into perspective and I am super ready for the business meeting for tomorrow, that was a blast,

The magazine seems to be the best thing at the moment and I am happy with all the work I have to put up with in order to realize this vision...


Monday, July 20, 2009


Life has its ups and downs, its hurdles and curdles, but as the superhumans we were created to be, we are supposed to rise above the ashes and be on top...

I have found myself in the mist of the most creative people, the vast talents that lace the city of my whole hearted dwelling. I am blessed with the love of those that are dear to my heart, I blessed with the company of those who are yet to be dear to my life. I am thankful for all that is around me and with the abilities bestowed upon my being, I shall by all means achieve little by little my journey to in the path that has been chosen for me eons ago.

One day the world will look up, and when they do, I will be in the mist of all that commotion, I will be the reason behind the chaos and I will indeed be in the list of Top Ten forces of reckoning.

I think I know the top 5…


Wow this mag has become my life in so many ways,
I live eat sleep the brand and funny enough I love every second of it.

We have a lot to do, we have a lot to prove and we are constantly faced with many challenges that make us stronger then any other duo, I can only see a bright future for the brand and many interactive achievements are going to be met, one day at a time.