Sunday, September 15, 2013

Kenji my Ken'doll best tweep to follow

He is like my spirit animal, I wish him to never change, never ever change for anyone. 

Love reading his tweets, wish him a lot of success and really really DON'T WANT HIM TO CHANGE, he would be boring if he did change! 

He does PR too... 

Major Ken'doll ❤❤ hearts to him this Sunday.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Meet the iPhone 5C - in colour

Meet the iPhone 5C

It's a plastic iPhone. Never thought I would see the day.... But yep... Like the android phone I'm seen using on my fashion instagram account #momentsinfashion ( the phone belongs to someone else), the iPhone 5c is plastic and I have nothing against that.. 

So ye.... There you have it... There is now an iPhone for all... 😊 I LOVE THE COLOURS 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

For the love of Media... Working on an article early in the morning

So if you check you will notice that I'm into 3 things... Technology, Fashion and TV related news.... 

The story I'm working on brought me to this piece of information, which is public and available to anyone who actually looks for it... All in all this is where my article starts 

And it will end with the launch of a new channel in October 2013 linked to ETV... Nothing major... Just TV news 


Meanwhile on Instagram .... My Selfie Life... It was a Sunday sort of happiness