Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The conversations I have with the kid...

I live a very spicy life, the reference to spicy is because half the time I'm observing things fall apart around me.

I always make wrong decision about things, so on this note I've kinda decided it's who I currently am and will hopefully sort this out when I have time to work on "me". This doesn't mean I'm passive about life, I'm just passive about certain things that might end up effecting me emotionally.

See I'm emotionally lazy and I like that head space because it means I shrug things off and I choose to be happy. It has taken me a long-ass time to get to this faze so I'm blissful in my sort of passive state of mind.

With that said, I have a friend who popped up on my radar last week or two after my breakdown and social detox early this year, I was supposed to meet up with him about some business related stuff, but by then i was too deep inside my head with foolery I just flaked out of it. He is a pretty awesome person, an industry creative who randomly pops up when i clearly seem to need a mental break and that small pow-wow.

I won't give him a name so I'll just refer to him as " the kid". He Was one of the first people who supported my shared streetmag vision and just seemed to sorta be "there". We don't get people like that anymore so I always tend to not be overly appreciative if I notice that characteristic in a person because I don't want to feel jilted should it change.

The kid makes me laugh, in the past we used to chat once in a blue moon, not always but fun conversations when we did. The last few weeks I think we chat almost daily, about random things from hot actresses to eateries around the city & sometimes clothes those are cool conversations but I've realized how smart he is as a person and I love how he thinks, I like how he tries to articulate his aspirations, what he is thinking and the artistic yet visionary future he shares with those close to him.

As an artist he has a solid future in his industry, you know that feeling when you want someone to succeed so bad, that you have a mental map of their path, that's what I have in my head for the kid...

I've realized that with these conversations I'm falling more into myself as a person and recovering from love lost, I dont know if that makes any sense but the kid helps me forget my ex, sure the randomness of my life pops up every now and again but I'm not all that caught on it and most of the time on probably chilled about it. I can now hang out with the ex without feeling like I've lost something, I can chill while she kids around with people and I'm not even fazed. That's a good place to be at, so I'm pretty happy about that.

Now as I live in that calm state of mind, I like these after hour conversations, I love having a friend to say "hi" to "how was your day" to and "goodnight" to after a long ass day of foolery, fashion, work and my ex.

The Kid's awesome.

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